Here is a table describing the structure of the PaymentIntent
class and its related objects:
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
paymentIntentId | long | Unique ID of the payment intent. |
callbackUrl | String | URL to send callback responses. |
returnUrl | String | URL to redirect users after completing the payment. |
uniqueId | String | Unique identifier for the payment session. |
paymentLinkUniqueId | String | Unique ID for payment link. |
uuid | String | Universally unique identifier (UUID). |
test | boolean | Specifies if the payment is in test mode. |
commissionPaidByCustomer | boolean | Indicates if the commission is paid by the customer. |
creationDate | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the payment intent was created. |
lastUpdateDate | Timestamp | Timestamp of the last update made to the payment intent. |
expireDate | Timestamp | Timestamp when the payment intent expires. |
totalAmount | Long | Total payment amount in cents. |
currency | Currency (Enum) | The currency of the payment (USD or ETB). |
checkoutBeneficiaries | List<CheckoutSplitPayment> | List of split payment beneficiaries. See CheckoutSplitPayment object below. |
productItems | List<ProductItems> | List of product items associated with the payment intent. See ProductItems object below. |
transaction | Transaction | Transaction associated with the payment intent. See Transaction object below. |
merchantCustomer | MerchantCustomer | The merchant’s customer details. See MerchantCustomer object below. |
paymentMethodTypes | Set<String> | Set of payment methods used in the checkout session. eg: TELE_BIRR , ETS_SWITCH , CBE or M_PESA etc. |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID for the split payment. |
accountNumber | String | Account number for the split payment. |
amount | Long | Amount for the split payment. |
splitType | SplitType (Enum) | The type of split PERCENTAGE and NUMBER |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID for the product item. |
name | String | Name of the product item. |
image | String | URL or reference to the product image. |
quantity | int | Quantity of the product purchased. |
description | String | Description of the product item. |
productId | String | Unique product identifier. |
price | Long | Price of the product in cents. |
type | ProductType (Enum) | The type/category of the product. SERVICE ,DIGITAL_PRODUCT & PHYSICAL_PRODUCT |
paymentIntent | CheckoutSession | Reference to the payment intent session. |
creationDate | Timestamp | Creation date of the product item record. |
lastUpdateDate | Timestamp | Last update date of the product item record. |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
id | long | Unique ID for the transaction. |
message | String | Message or note for the transaction. |
debitAccount | String | The debit account for the transaction. |
phoneNumber | String | Phone number related to the transaction. |
trac2 | String | Trace information related to the transaction. |
test | boolean | Indicates if the transaction is in test mode. |
referenceId | String | Reference ID for the transaction. |
transactionStatus | TransactionStatus | Status of the transaction. PROCESSING , FAILED , SUCCESS , EXPIRED |
paymentType | PaymentMethodType | Payment method type for the transaction. |
merchantNet | long | Merchant’s net amount. |
adminNet | long | Admin’s net amount. |
totalAmount | long | Total amount of the transaction in cents. |
pspTxId | String | Transaction ID from the payment service provider. |
virtualAccountId | Long | ID of the virtual account used in the transaction. |
virtualCardId | Long | ID of the virtual card used in the transaction. |
creationDate | Timestamp | Creation date of the transaction record. |
lastUpdateDate | Timestamp | Last update date of the transaction record. |
merchantCustomer | MerchantCustomer | The merchant’s customer related to the transaction. See MerchantCustomer object below. |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
id | Long | Unique ID for the merchant customer. |
name | String | Name of the merchant customer. |
email | String | Email of the merchant customer. |
phone | String | Phone number of the merchant customer. |